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So far I have shown examples of multitasking that block the application until they finished. This is not very useful in practice. Usually, we want that the user can continue interacting with the application while the tasks are running in the background; we could want also the threads to interact with the user interface.
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In this article I will present a custom DataGridView control that allows using formulas composed by arithmetic expressions and references to the different cells of the control. In addition to the class library with the control, I have prepared a small application to show how to use the different features it offers.
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To conclude this series on the PropertyGrid control I will show you how to use different type converters derived from the TypeConverter class to customize how they are displayed or edited the properties. The .NET framework provides converters for many types of properties, but you can also easily implement your own converters by deriving a class from TypeConverter or a specialized converter and overloading a few functions.
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In the previous article in this series I did show how to use the basic features of the PropertyGrid control to edit the properties of a particular object or collection of objects. In this article I will show you the most important events of this control as well as the implementation of custom editors that allow editing of properties of types for which there is no default editor, such as the classes developed by yourself in your program.
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One of the GUI (graphic user interface) controls more versatile that the .NET framework offers is the PropertyGrid. It is a component through which the user can edit all the properties of an object that the developer has configured, allowing structuring them into categories and sort them alphabetically. It also provides many options to customize both presentation and editing of their properties and shows the user a help text on each one of them. In this series I will show a complete tutorial on using this control and its main features, starting with this article on its basic use.
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