This topic contains all the articles about time series in which the R program is used for its treatment and analysis.
In this article I will show how, through a very simple and totally deterministic process, we can move from a stationary system to a completely random one, going through periodic and chaotic dynamics. For this, I will generate several time series with these characteristics using the program R and several packages that can help us in the analysis of them.
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When we try to learn how to work with time series, it is very useful to have good data sets, and much better if they contain real data. It is difficult to obtain long series, or series presenting interesting and well located and identified patterns, with which we can perform practices. An excellent source of complex time series is our own organism, and everything we can learn by working with them can be extrapolated to any other context.
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In some other articles in this blog, I have already written about complex time series, recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) and neural networks. In this series of articles, I will discuss some points to take into account when combining the use of these two tools to identify patterns in complex series, such as detecting anomalies in electrocardiograms or electroencephalograms.
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In this second article in the series on combining recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) and neural networks to work with complex time series, we will examine some ideas about possible processing that you can apply to the data and the selection of parameters. We will work using electrocardiographic signals, as mentioned in the previous article.
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